Publisher description
DigiMode VCD is a video Player for all popular video types, avi, mpg, dat, m1v, wmv, m1v,, qt, asf, etc. The program will automatically play any video containing CD UPON STARTUP.Features include but not limited to: Playback from playlist, search for video anywhere button and ultra fast video find. time and elapsed time display, track name and track number , number of loaded tracks display full screen and full screen controls, minimize and quick exit controls, direct slider for fast forwarding and rewinding , direct access volume control. mute button. track access pad, Secret If you have DigiMode Ream or DigiMode Ream Sigma, installed in you machine, DigiMode VCD can share their playlists. To save your first playlist press alt+shft+cntrl+1, to recall this playlist just press alt+1, and so is the case for other numbers 2-9. Use To save a secret playlist press alt+shft+cntrl+0, to recall this playlist just press alt+0 files will be loaded and played even if they were in hidden foders. this is called a secret list and no further documentation is provided in the program to keep it a secret.
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